This post is in response to Natalie’s 10 Day Freedom Plan Blog Challenge Day 1 and this is my first ever blog!

I know how my perfect life looks.  I have done for quite a while but even so, as with everything worth having, it comes with difficulties. Here are the 2 issues bothering me  most right now..

  • How do I start an on-line business without my employer knowing about it?  The only social media I currently use is facebook and a lot of my friends are connected with work – this includes my boss.  I really can’t afford for them to know I’m planning on leaving before I have my venture underway.
  •  What do I do first?  I have a whole page of ideas but don’t want to appear flaky by swapping around from one to another.  How do I work out which one is most likely to give me the life I want in the shortest time?

I’m hoping the next 10 days will help me to address these problems …watch this space.

#10DBC         #Freedomplan